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Астролог и психолог Аида Невская (Астропсихолог). Личные гороскопы, анализ совместимости со спутником жизни, консультации, карьера и профессии, астрологические прогнозы, подбор дат

DEMONTAGNIKI.RU - Демонтаж металлоконструкций, труб и ёмкостей, зданий и сооружений. Покупка и вывоз чёрного и цветного лома, утилизация автомобилей, судов, вагонов, лома, вывоз мусора, снега, отходов

  • You start or expand own business?
  • It is necessary for you to open representation in Russia, St. Petersburg, Moscow?
  • You have company, but there is no time to hand over reports?
  • You reflect on new methods of management of business?


Our new project refers to " Outsourcing. Intellectual office "

Service assumes transfer on a contract basis of specific business processes of your business in management of the specialized organization. In the modern world this traditional way of optimization of business - processes is accepted for naming "Outsourcing" .
Being connected to service, you within one working day receive high-grade office with permanent members of staff, a premise(room), the equipment, a communication facility which operates independently and does not demand the constant control

 We name this system « Intellectual office », the system includes the following package deal:

Team of experts which will carry out mail & secretarial, accounting, legal service of your business,
Phone number, a fax which you represent to the state control bodies and to own contractors,
The post address on which you receive the correspondence,
Post electronic box on our server,
Phone calls, facsimile letters, mail are accepted and processed  bells on telephone numbers specified by you *),
You will be notified on the registered bells and messages in a mode on-line,
Book keeping the current operations (if necessary) is conducted,
The tax and accounting reporting is in due time formed and represented, is settled an invoice wages and taxes,
Legal questions (reception of licenses, sanctions, examination of contracts, representation in госорганах) are solved,
Monthly express train - monitoring of changes of the current legislation (federal and Moscow) which are reflected in your economic activities is given,
The courier is ready to departure any point of city,
The proprietor (manager) of the company receives Reports on all occuring business - processes on convenient liaison channels (e-mail, SMS, the phone).

Taking into account, that business - Outsourcing is one of the basic kinds of our activity and we assume the complex approach, our prices favourably differ from cost of the services offered by the consulting companies (legal bureaues, the auditor companies).

By development of service " Intellectual office " we were guided by businessmen, придерживающихся the following principles:

1. Aspiration to flexibility and a transparency of business, formation of good image  the organizations (we guarantee, that the company transferred(handed) to us on service, will pass any counter check for the period аутсорсинга),
2. Respect of potential and present Clients, granting to the Client of an opportunity at any time to transfer or receive the necessary information,
3. Use advanced practik and technologies,
4. The maximal decrease(reduction) of costs,
5. An effective utilization of the most valuable resource in business - time.

Proceeding from above-stated we have defined(determined) three kinds of a situation when use of Intellectual office will be the most productive.

1. For those who starts

First of all our services will be useful to businessmen who only begin activity. In the same category of Customers it is possible to attribute(relate) the noncommercial organizations which can be engaged authorized, socially useful, charities and to not care of correct registration of all operations.
Why it is necessary to begin together with professionals?
You can sell computers, supervising over process of own garage, but with us it will be beautiful. You can render professional consultations of departure the house to the Client (for example, training to bases Chinese калиграфии
), but with us it will be stylishly.
Try to choose from two advertisements with absolutely identical text, a unique difference in which contact information. On the one hand number of the mobile phone with the request to call only with mobile, and with another - number of the multichannel phone (on which your Personal secretary always answers). Appreciate уваженья to your Client, it(he) of it достоин

2. For those who develops

To representations of the foreign companies. Foreign businessmen happen to adapt instantly hardly enough for realities of the Russian legal field and also to understand nuances of dialogue with the mechanism of executive authority. Thus, we offer foreign representations to take advantage of experience and knowledge of our experts, starting(beginning) from development of the concept of realization of activity in territory of the Russian Federation down to negotiating in interests of the Customer and passage of various instances.

To businessmen from region which have certain interests in ценральных cities of Russia. We give not only the qualified legal aid, but also we assist at the decision of the accompanying problems arising at the control of removed business: we shall hand over your reporting, we shall accept the information, we shall give in your order of the secretary, the courier etc.

3. For those who keeps

To holding structures for reservation of the new companies, supports of "satellite" firms and maintenance « on плаву » the companies, « отошедших from has put ».
Formation of the ramified model of business when for realization of each direction of activity the separate legal person popularly enough presently is created. Complexity of the given model consists that even if operations are made seldom, document circulation remains volumetric enough, that distracts experts from conducting the account of the basic company. Frequently it is possible to see, that the bookkeeper are dissatisfied with a similar situation and do not agree to conduct some firms simultaneously even under condition of increase of wages. You safely can shift a cargo споровождения the similar companies.

There is enough frequently the legal person it is created for definite purposes after which achievement the company will lie down liquidations. At present in the market a number(line) of alternative ways of liquidation when you pay for that the company "was bought" by new proprietors is offered and have undertaken a cargo of the responsibility and support of the company further. However not always it would be desirable, that the destiny of the company left from under the control of the proprietor. In this case a unique way of the termination(discontinuance) of the company is liquidation in the order established by the current legislation. But such liquidation conducts to exit tax check. With tax check can be covered no more than three years previous to a date started of check.

Thus, it is convenient to find similar « silent harbour » for fulfilled company, where she(it) пробудет before expiry of the term of realization of exit tax check then it is possible to begin procedure of liquidation safely. The variant, certainly, will be useful only in the event that at tax inspection « hands will not reach » your company, however, to try maximum to delay a date started of check it is necessary to try.

4. For those who optimizes

Methods when the enterprises optimize own system of the taxation with the help of creation of the company - agent are widely known. One of major principles of tax optimization is a confidentiality, closeness of the circuit from the control of law enforcement bodies. Use of our services in support of the company - agent will be a guarantee of what even your personal bookkeeper will not guess, that works with аффилированным the legal person.

And at last, we have defined(determined) a number(line) of situations at which we shall be compelled to give up in granting service:

1. To the organizations planning participation of telephone number in large-scale advertising actions(shares).
2. To the persons, planning to use our services for conducting запрещеной the law of activity.

If the basic purpose of your activity - reception of the profit you for certain agree with the statement, that a pledge of success of any company - the maximal concentration of the head on development of business. However the organization of any business - process is invariable connected to necessity of construction of accompanying infrastructure (accounts department, work with the personnel, servicing, support of information systems - all necessary attributes of the modern organization).

If you want to approach to creation of a business infrastructure of your company professionally and to begin activity in maximum short terms, we shall be useful to you.

Thus, we offer you to estimate our variant аутсорсинга, adapted to the Russian realities. On our site you can get acquainted with technology of Intellectual office in more detail and also find accompanying information which as we hope, will be useful to you.

* Attention!
Service of the Uniform Call-centre is at a stage of testing and now is not part of rendered services. Planned term of connection - October, 2006.




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